Saturday, 29 January 2011

What is it about aeroplanes that turns everyone into tomato juice drinkers?

It's always amazed me that tomato juice is never something you see ordered at a bar, or in a restaurant, or even in the trolley in front of you at a supermarket - yet suddenly the cabin staff are calling for more because there's a run on it here in Economy.

The sentence above has been sitting on my iPhone since last summer, waiting for the pilot's permission to be posted to the outside world. But somehow it didn't fit Facebook, and wasn't quite terse enough for Twitter. So thus began my inspiration for a blog.

Observations, deliberations, and probably most often, pontifications - all I ask, dear reader, is that you peruse this blog with an open mind, the knowledge that the names will (mostly) be changed to protect the innocent, and, most importantly, a cup of tea.